卖家精灵 - 亚马逊关键词优化,大数据选品专家
卖家精灵(SellerSprite)基于大数据和人工智能技术,为卖家提供一站式选品、关键词优化、产品监控等运营工具,帮助卖家洞察行业商机、高效选品、打造高分Listing。 卖家精灵(SellerSprite)-80万亚马逊卖家的共同选择。基于大数据和人工智能技术,覆盖从选品、选词到运营推广多元使用场景,满足深度需求,陪伴亚马逊卖家一起进入精细化运营时代。卖家精灵涵盖网页版和插件版,30+核心大功能,会员一票制通用。 卖家精灵浏览器插件(包含Web版80%功能):完美复刻PC端,与PC端一样好用,但更加易用,在亚马逊站内就能实现产品调研、市场分析、关键词优化。 实时获取海量运营数据,随时掌握最新产品动态。数据获取更便捷,洞悉竞品更高效。 浏览器插件核心功能如下: 1、快速预览:ASIN透视,一目了然 商品列表全方位透视:在亚马逊任一产品列表页即可轻松透视全部ASIN的详细数据。 2、市场分析:一键生成,效率加倍 关键词搜索结果页、BSR畅销榜页自定义样本,一键生成16+维度市场分析报告。 3、产品探索:知己知彼,稳操胜券 打开亚马逊产品列表页或Listing详情页,即刻查看当前页面所有产品销量趋势、评分数等全指标解析。 4、变体对比:畅销变体,一眼知晓 Listing详情页展示各变体销量、上架时间等对比数据,快速找出最畅销的变体。 5、产品调研库:产品收集,方便快捷 方便我们在浏览亚马逊页面时随时收集产品,并批量对这些产品进行关键词调研、市场调研。 6、AI智能评论分析:ChatGPT加持,开启选品革命 通过对全量Reviews的挖掘,实现消费者画像、产品的优劣势等6大维度信息提炼。 7、关键词挖掘:核心词汇,一网打尽 亚马逊搜索结果页打开插件即刻自动开启关键词挖掘,快速批量拓展相关关键词及长尾词。 8、关键词反查:流量入口,一键Get Listing详情页打开插件即可一键反查目标ASIN的所有搜索流量词,并支持切换查看其它变体。 9、关键词收录:批量查询,实时追踪 批量查询ASIN的关键词排名位置,实时跟踪Listing优化和广告投放效果。 10、Keepa趋势:原版复刻,追源溯流 提供产品近3年详细历史数据,洞悉同类产品Listing打造全历程。 11、批量下载:智能工具,免费实用 Listing主图/Reviews/Q&A/评论图片/A+图片,一键批量下载,解放运营双手。 12、批量邀评:自动操作,安全合规 可选择一键自动批量邀评或自定义条件邀评,告别重复手动操作。 更多功能,登录官网 https://www.sellersprite.com 即可免费试用!
DealDazzle automatically finds coupons, gives you cashback & saves money when you shop online! Save up to 90% on every purchase effortlessly with the Deal Dazzle Chrome extension - it's completely free and just a click away. Powered by advanced AI, Deal Dazzle is now featured on GPTs, offering a smarter, more efficient shopping journey. With a robust user base, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional interactive experience. ✅ Alternatives: Why Pay More? Shop smart with AI. Deal Dazzle finds 36 million top alternatives from 260,000 stores with high quality. Enjoy significant annual savings per person with our automatic alternative recommendations. ✅ Cash Back: Shop and Get Paid! Earn real cash back by simply shopping at your favorite stores like Amazon or AliExpress. We share referral fees directly with you. Click 'Activate Now' to boost your savings! ✅ Price Tracking: Never Miss a Sale Again! Deal Dazzle alerts you to price trends on over 30,000 products with just a click. It helps you find even better deals and bargains. ✅ Coupons: No More Coupon Hunting! Automatically find and apply coupons. A single click delivers coupons directly to you for instant savings and effortless shopping! Disclaimer: This extension uses Google Analytics to collect extension usage statistics to help improve user experience. Learn more from https://www.dealdazzle.com/terms.
Jungle Scout
Amazon and FBA product research made easy. Extract rank, sales volume, estimated revenue and more without entering the product page. Unlock the power of Amazon product research with Jungle Scout! No more digging through product pages – you can now extract crucial insights like rank, sales volume, and estimated revenue right from your Chrome browser! Transform your Amazon business with Jungle Scout, the industry's top-rated platform, trusted by over 1 million entrepreneurs and global brands. Jungle Scout equips you with the most reliable data related to product demand, profitability, market trends, and competitor insights for navigating Amazon's marketplace dynamics. Discover the power of Jungle Scout today and take your Amazon business to the next level. By adding Jungle Scout to your Chrome browser, you can evaluate product opportunities as you search Amazon’s catalog, making product research quick and easy. With fully configurable settings and Jungle Scout data embedded directly into Amazon search results and product pages, this browser extension is the perfect tool to find products to sell on Amazon. With Jungle Scout’s Chrome extension, you can: ➤ Instantly access crucial product metrics like Best Seller Rank, historical sales data, and price fluctuations. ➤ Gauge product demand, competition levels, and listing quality with our proprietary Opportunity Score. ➤ Monitor product ideas and trends over time by adding listings to Jungle Scout’s intuitive Product Tracker. ➤ Calculate potential profits and ROI with precision using Jungle Scout’s FBA Profit Calculator. ➤ Uncover popular Amazon search terms for any product within a comprehensive keyword cloud. ➤ Tailor your research experience to your specific needs with fully configurable settings and filters. ➤ Easily export data for further analysis with convenient CSV downloads. Hear it from our users! Our customers shared their experiences, revealing how Jungle Scout accelerates Amazon business growth. Here's what they had to say: “Jungle Scout makes life easier, try it out! Don’t skip this by any means. It’s simple to get up and running and get the data you’re looking for, whether it’s product research or anything else (though it’s mainly product research for me).” - Tai “Definitely, my first recommendation for product research would be Jungle Scout.”- Daniel “I am grateful for all of the hard work the Jungle Scout team has done to create the platform and the Chrome extension that save me from hours of time and frustration.” - Christy “The JS extension is invaluable while doing product research by providing important data at your fingertips when and where you need it.” - Julia Elevate your Amazon game with Jungle Scout's Chrome extension included in every plan. Kickstart your product research journey and tap into cutting-edge features for listing optimization, keyword research, competitor insights, review management, and beyond. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By using this extension, you agree to Jungle Scout’s Terms & Conditions available at: https://www.junglescout.com/termsofuse/ Disclaimer: This extension uses Google Analytics to collect usage statistics to help improve user experience. If you want to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Amazon Product Finder - AMZScout PRO
AMZScout扩展将帮助您根据实际数据做出选择利基的决定,而不是直觉。 亚马逊产品发现工具让您只需点击几下即可检查任何产品的销售数据。要做到这一点,只需在浏览器中打开亚马逊,搜索任何产品,然后点击PRO扩展。您将立即看到产品的销售量、排名、价格历史、竞争情况、趋势以及其他统计数据,让您了解该产品是否能带来利润。 AMZ Scout PRO 使用简单,易于操作。以下是一些供希望成为卖家的人的技巧: 【专业评分和产品评分】 AMZScout Chrome扩展提供私人标签和转售的专业评分和产品评分。通过这个,您可以立即知道产品是否值得考虑,而不必查看详细的产品分析。 【找到最佳供应商】 寻找在亚马逊或其他市场上销售的产品,以扩大您的业务规模。通过按国家和价格范围筛选供应商来节省时间。 【提高您的排名】 导出专业和产品关键词以改进产品清单,并在您的PPC广告活动中使用它们。在有机搜索中排名更高,获得更多销售。 这个智能产品研究工具经常被卖家称为最准确的工具。 它帮助您发现未饱和的机会,获得采购选项,监控竞争对手,甚至改进关键字研究。 通过这些AMZScout PRO应用的有用功能提升您的产品发现和狩猎水平: ➤ 产品销售历史 ➤ 估算每月收入 ➤ 每月销售量估算器 ➤ 最低销售者价格信息 ➤ 自动FBA费用计算 ➤ 产品利润计算器 ➤ 清单质量分析 ➤ BSR历史 ➤ 评论数量和评分平均值 ➤ 主要产品关键字 以具体数据为基础选择产品,以保护您的投资。找到一个能让您每月获得5000美元或更多收入的FBA推出产品! AMZ Scout Chrome扩展在美国以及以下其他亚马逊市场上运作:英国、德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、加拿大、墨西哥、印度、日本、阿联酋和沙特阿拉伯。 您可以使用试用版本免费研究15个利基。无需信用卡。下载PRO扩展,试试这款神奇的软件! 常见问题: 问:扩展的费用是一次性的吗? 答:费用是每月支付的。 问:我购买了这个扩展,如何使用它? 答:打开亚马逊网站,搜索任何商品,然后点击扩展按钮。然后你会看到一个带有加载器的弹出窗口。几秒钟后,就会显示有关找到产品的信息。 问:估算值是按月、日还是年计算的? 答:估算值是按月计算的。 问:估算值是如何计算的? 答:这些值是使用基于公式的一级类别(例如家居与园艺、图书等)和在这些类别中的排名来计算的。 问:“净”列是什么意思? 答:“净”列意味着在扣除 FBA 费用和推荐费用的 15% 后的价格。 问:“LQS”列是什么意思? 答:“LQS”是列表质量评分。AMZScout 分析了许多产品描述标准,并为其计算得分。更高的分数意味着在搜索结果中的更高位置。要查看详细信息,请将光标指向“LQS”值。 问:“RPR”列是什么意思? 答:“RPR”是每个评论的收入。较高的“RPR”意味着更好的销售机会。 问:FBA 费用是按件还是按体积计算的? 答:它是按件计算的,包括一个月的存储费。它是根据从商品页面获取的运输尺寸和运输重量进行计算的。 问:如果我有其他问题或对 AMZScout 有问题,该如何获得支持? 答:获得支持的最快途径是向 support@amzscout.net 写下您的问题。
Helium 10
Powerful Amazon and Walmart product research. Dive deep into marketplace data to assess competition, demand, opportunity & more. Find your next winning product and scale your business more efficiently with a free trial of this powerful Chrome Extension tool for Amazon FBA and Walmart sellers. Trusted by over 1,000,000 sellers, the Helium 10 Chrome Extension is designed to help you… ✓ Leverage powerful data to assess market demand and validate product opportunities ✓ Discover new product niches with upfront search-volume data ✓ Identify new keyword opportunities to optimize your listings and PPC campaigns ✓ Gain a comprehensive overview of your competition ✓ Analyze customer sentiment with Review Insights ✓ Calculate potential profit margins with Profitability Calculator Simplify Product Research with Xray Search for a product and launch Xray on Amazon or Walmart to unlock vital niche sales data that can help you identify winning product niches. Eliminate uncertainty and back your business decisions with accurate data to assess competition and demand. Get Powerful Keyword Insights with Search Expander and Xray Keywords Enrich your Amazon search experience with Search Expander to quickly generate powerful long-tail keywords and discover new product niches. Or use Xray Keywords to discover top keywords that are driving organic sales to your competitors. Increase Your Productivity with ASIN Grabber Use ASIN Grabber to extract product ASINs in bulk to create targeted product ads in Amazon and more. Estimate Margins on the Fly with Profitability Calculator Gauge a product’s potential sales success with the Profitability Calculator. Generate accurate sales margins and ROI by assessing all the fees and costs associated to make better sourcing decisions. Spy on Your Competitors' Listing Stock with Inventory Levels Spy on your competition’s available units for sale with Inventory Levels. Discover who your real competitors are and if you have any potential hijackers on your listing. Get into Shoppers' Minds with Review Insights Instantly capture product sentiment and feedback with Review Insights. Extract reviews from any product to uncover customer pain points, product weaknesses, and much more. Find Suppliers on Alibaba.com with Supplier Finder Use Supplier Finder, powered by our partner Alibaba.com, to find quality product suppliers faster and easier while conducting your research on Xray for Amazon or Walmart! Assess Product Demand on Amazon with Demand Analyzer Verify potential product niche opportunities on Amazon while browsing for inspiration on Alibaba.com or any Shopify website. Input a seed keyword to get a high-level overview of product demand indicated by top-related keyword search volume and similar top-performing products. ____________________________________________________________________________ Download the Helium 10 Chrome Extension today and try it FREE to get the insights you need to grow your business to new heights in less time than ever before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helium 10 is dedicated to developing tools designed to enhance the Amazon selling experience. Get over a dozen tools specialized in every part of the seller journey, including: Product Research Find highly profitable product opportunities in every category. Keyword Research Strategic research tools to improve your product rank and drive traffic. Listing Optimization Tools to create high-ranking listings & optimize existing listings. Product Launches & Marketing Build and grow the marketing and PPC strategy for your products. Operations & Analytics Manage everything with streamlined tools to run your business and easily monitor the performance of your products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on how to use the Helium 10 Chrome Extension: https://kb.helium10.com/hc/en-us/sections/360005055314-Helium-10-Chrome-Extension
Sorftime Save
辅助亚马逊卖家产品调研及运营。 为亚马逊、沃尔玛平台第三方卖家用户提供产品调研、细分市场竞争分析、关键词调研、竞品分析服务。帮助卖家更好的屏蔽风险、降低运营费用、缩短投资周期,更快更高获取得投资收益。
亚马逊品牌分析、商机探测、广告数据分析助手, 帮您简化选品、运营、广告分析决策过程。 AmzTrends 4.2.0 版本更新说明: 1:插件在所有场景下的使用功能与上一个版本保持一致。 亚马逊前台页面(关键词搜索结果、商品类目、商品详情页)下查看商品ASIN趋势、客户搜索词趋势,并且可以查看商品所有变体的客户搜索词数据,还能鼠标划词查看搜索词趋势。 亚马逊后台页面(业务报告、广告管理、商机探测、品牌分析 ➤ 搜索分析 ➤ 搜索词表现 & 热门搜索词)下查看商品ASIN趋势与客户搜索词趋势。在热门搜索词(ABA)场景下,支持反查【商品ASIN】所有变体ASIN以此匹配出更多相关客户搜索词结果,还能在广告管理页面鼠标划词查看趋势等。 2:亚马逊商机探测改版后,本次更新已经适配各个场景下的细分市场、搜索词、商品ASIN的趋势分析。 按分类查找机会 (Find opportunities by categories)、按关键词或 ASIN 搜索 (Search by Keyword or ASIN) 两个场景下,Niche 视图 (Niche View)下的客户搜索词、ASIN 视图(ASIN View) 下的商品ASIN看到趋势。 进入细分市场 (Niche Details) 后,商品栏 (Products) 所展示出来的商品可以直接查看商品历史趋势,搜索词栏 (Search Terms) 所展示出来的客户搜索词可以查看关键词历史趋势,并且搜索词后面 [点击量最高的商品排名](Top Clicked Product) 的商品ASIN也能查看到商品历史趋势。
Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker
Adds price history charts and the option to be alerted on price drops to all supported Amazon sites. ✜ Price History charts Detailed Price History charts for over 5 billion Amazon products. ✜ Price Drop & Availability Alerts Set up a price watch directly from the product page. We track any product for you and notify you once the product dropped below your desired price. We track lightning deals as well! ✜ Compare and track international Amazon prices Prices for all Amazon locales are listed and can easily be tracked. ✜ Daily Deals, an overview of recent price drops Get the real deals. Keepa finds the best deals every day. Find products with the highest drop in price in your favorite product category. ✜ Wishlist Import You can easily import your whole wishlist and create price watches for every item on it. ✜ Customizable Change the behavior of the extension the way you like it. No account needed. Just install and start saving money. This extension does not add any browser buttons. You can access and set it up on any Amazon product page. We follow Chrome's minimum permissions policy and only request the following permissions: - Access to keepa.com: needed for communication with our servers to provide the extension with price history data and handle your (optional) user account for price tracking. - Access to amazon pages: Required to embed our price history graph directly on Amazon product pages. - "declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess" and "cookies": These enable the extension to make requests on its own to the pages listed above. This communication enables, among others, the MAP reveal feature (shows hidden prices directly on the product pages) and Stock reveal feature (shows available stock of 3rd party merchants). - "storage": Enables the extension to store data (like your settings) locally in your browser. Like cookies. - "contextMenus": Enables a context menu entry which allows you to open multiple products shown on an Amazon page on Keepa.com. Disabled by default. That's it. You can also read our privacy policy, it is really short: https://keepa.com/#!disclaimer
AsinSeed - 最靠谱的亚马逊关键词反查工具
功能: 1、无需跳转,亚马逊站内就能搞定Listing和CPC关键词优化; 2、Listing详情页一键反查ASIN核心流量词,真实反映ASIN的搜索流量入口; 3、亚马逊搜索结果页开启关键词挖掘模式,自动推荐相关关键词; 4、每月更新8亿条关键词数据,支持美国、日本、加拿大以及欧洲五国。