Jungle Scout
Whether it’s product research, keyword research, sales analysis, or earning reviews, Jungle Scout is the most trusted platform for building a successful business on Amazon. Entrepreneurs and global brands rely on the best data when making business decisions — and that’s where Jungle Scout comes in. Jungle Scout’s sales estimates are recognized as the most accurate in the industry, so you can assess product demand, profitability, market trends, and competitor insights with confidence. By adding Jungle Scout to your Chrome browser, you can evaluate product opportunities as you search Amazon’s catalog, making product research quick and easy. With fully configurable settings and Jungle Scout data embedded directly into Amazon search results and product pages, this browser extension is the perfect tool to find products to sell on Amazon. With Jungle Scout’s Chrome extension, you can: ➤ See a snapshot of key product metrics like Best Seller Rank, historical sales, and price changes, and get an Opportunity Score for a product based on demand, competition, and listing quality. ➤ Add listings directly to Jungle Scout’s Product Tracker to monitor ideas over time. ➤ Calculate the potential profits and ROI of a product with Jungle Scout’s FBA Profit Calculator. ➤ View a keyword cloud of the most popular search terms for a product. ➤ Customize your view, settings, and filters for your product research and easily export data with CSV downloads. “Jungle Scout makes life easier, try it out! Don’t skip this by any means. It’s simple to get up and running and get the data you’re looking for, whether it’s product research or anything else (though it’s mainly product research for me).” - Tai “Definitely, my first recommendation for product research would be Jungle Scout.”- Daniel “I am grateful for all of the hard work the Jungle Scout team has done to create the platform and the Chrome extension that save me from hours of time and frustration.” - Christy “The JS extension is invaluable while doing product research by providing important data at your fingertips when and where you need it.” - Julia Get Jungle Scout to activate your Chrome extension, which is included in all plans. Start your product research journey now and build your business on Amazon with powerful capabilities for listing optimization, inventory management, reviews, and more. Trust the platform used by 500,000 sellers and counting. Learn more about Jungle Scout’s industry-leading features at JungleScout.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By using this extension, you agree to Jungle Scout’s Terms & Conditions available at: https://www.junglescout.com/termsofuse/ Disclaimer: This extension uses Google Analytics to collect usage statistics to help improve user experience. If you want to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
AsinSeed - 最靠谱的亚马逊关键词反查工具
AsinSeed - 您亚马逊Listing优化、CPC广告投放背后的关键词引擎。 功能: 1、无需跳转,亚马逊站内就能搞定Listing和CPC关键词优化; 2、Listing详情页一键反查ASIN核心流量词,真实反映ASIN的搜索流量入口; 3、亚马逊搜索结果页开启关键词挖掘模式,自动推荐相关关键词; 4、每月更新8亿条关键词数据,支持美国、日本、加拿大以及欧洲五国。
AMZ Keyword Suggestions Tool
Find tons of Amazon long-tail keywords for your products with ONE click for free! Amazon keyword research tool is trusted by thousands of Amazon sellers worldwide. Whether you're in the product research phase or trying to improve your listing to boost visibility and rank higher, the Amazon keyword research tool helps you uncover the most profitable and relevant long-tail keywords that help you rank better and improves conversions. The Amazon Keyword tool pulls thousands of keywords from Amazon search auto-suggests from your chosen marketplace. Currently, you can select the following marketplaces: 1. USA 2. India 3. Chain 4. Japan 5. France 6. Germany 7. Italy 8. Netherlands 9. Spain 10. UK 11. Canada 12. Mexico 13. Australia 14. Brazil Plus, you can select the modifiers [a-z] or [1-9] to get more long-tail keywords from the seed keywords. With these keywords, you can optimize your product listings, add keywords to the backend, or run ads on them to generate sales. FAQ: 1. Is SellerApp keyword research extension free? The SellerApp Amazon keyword research tool is absolutely free. Just install and start using it. 2. How to use SellerApp's free Amazon keyword research tool? Enter the seed keyword in the search box, select the marketplace and the modifiers, and wait for the tool to fetch all the keywords from Amazon. The best part is you can extract all the keywords and analyze them further. 3. What is seed and rank in the SellerApp Amazon keyword research tool? Seed: Once you enter the main keyword and select either [a-z] or [1-9] modifiers, the tool will combine your provided keyword with each letter of the alphabet or number from 1 to 9, respectively, and create a list of seed keyword variations for your main keyword. For example, if you provide the keyword "water bottle" and select [a-z] modifiers, the tool will show you results for "water bottle a, " "water bottle b," "water bottle c," and so on, up to "water bottle z." These are all seed keywords and can be a useful way to discover long-tail keywords for your product. Rank: Rank refers to the keyword position in the auto search suggestion when a shopper search with the seed on Amazon. These keywords appear in a drop-down menu as you start typing in the search bar. 4. Where does the Keyword Research tool extract these keywords from? All these keywords are fetched in real-time from the Amazon auto search suggestions. So rest assured, you get the most recent keyword data from our tool. Want to learn more about it? Contact us as support@sellerapp.com
Amazon KW Index and Rank Tracker
Free Amazon keyword ranking & indexation check tool by AMZDataStudio - The most accurate Amazon seller tool for keyword research. Bulk check the indexing and ranking position of all your Amazon "Merchant Words" and "Backend Keywords" in seconds for FREE!. Discover which Search Terms are not considered relevant by Amazon. Find the Best Keywords for your listing based on Relevancy, Ranking & Exact Search Volume on Amazon! What can you do with this FREE AMZDataStudio's Chrome Extension? - Check the current ranking position of any keyword for any ASIN - Check the indexing of any keyword for any ASIN - Get the exact and broad monthly search volume for any keyword on Amazon How to use this Keyword Checker Tool? - Choose your product's marketplace (USA, UK, CA, JP, DE, FR, IT, ES, IN, MX, AU) - Enter the ASIN and keyword phrases you want to check - Start Checking! How Can AMZDataStudio Tools Boost Your Amazon Sales? Get the Exact Backend Keywords of Any Product: https://amzdatastudio.com/user/search-term Get All Ranked and Searched Keywords for Any Product: https://amzdatastudio.com/user/organic-keywords Get All PPC Keywords and Ads Positions of Any Product: https://amzdatastudio.com/user/ppc-keywords Get AMZ Search Volume & All Related Buyer Keywords: https://amzdatastudio.com/user/keywords-generator Check What Products are Bidding on the Same Word: https://amzdatastudio.com/user/ppc-radar Track Your Keyword Ranking Daily Changes Lifetime: https://amzdatastudio.com/user/tracker/organic Convert Description from Text to HTML Easily: https://amzdatastudio.com/user/html-converter
AliPrice.com - 您的亚马逊产品价格追踪器。 AliPrice亚马逊购物助手(US+UK)支持跟踪amazon.com(US),amazon.co.uk(UK)和amazon.ae(UAE)上的产品价格历史。 主要特点: 1. 追踪亚马逊产品3或6个月的价格历史 2. 降价提醒,加入收藏,即可收到降价通知 3. 图片搜索,点击右键搜索速卖通,eBay、1688等网站的同款产品 4.下载速卖通和亚马逊的评论图片,导出评论到Excel 5. 从1688,淘宝,亚马逊等网站下载图片,在AliPrice上翻译和编辑图片 6. 复制链接便于分享 7. 顶部显示eBay、Walmart等网站上的同款 8. 一键找到来自1688、淘宝等网站的同款货源 如果有任何问题或建议,请随时联系 https://www.aliprice.com/information/index?page=contact Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dengpai.aliprice IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/aliprice-aliexpress-assitant/id1282323896 Edge/Opera/Firefox浏览器: https://www.aliprice.com/?extension=amazon
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Shopee Fans - 虾皮卖家助手
Shopee Fans:An awesome assistant for the Shopee Seller. 1、Internationalization:support Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, etc. 2、Data Collection: simply collect and quick post that supports Shopee, alibaba, Lazada, aliexpress, etc; 3、Shop Followers: auto-following buyers, auto-filter invalid/inactive buyer and sellers; 4、Shop Switcher: easy to manage multiple shops; 5、Shopee Chat Toolkit: translation anything, notification in time; 6、Product Auto-Boost: auto-boost product, increase exposure; 7、Exchange Center: auto-exchange price, the product is controllable. Shopee Fans:一个非常好的虾皮助手工具,帮助卖家高效运营店铺。 1、国际化:支持中文简体,中文繁体,英文等多国语言; 2、数据采集:一键采集,快速铺货,支持虾皮、阿里巴巴、Lazada、速卖通等多个平台; 3、刷粉精灵:一键操作快速涨粉,自动过滤僵尸粉、不活跃买家、卖家等; 4、多账号管理:多站点店铺管理如此轻松; 5、聊聊先生:精准翻译,及时提醒; 6、定时置顶:自动置顶推广,持续增加产品曝光; 7、汇率中心:金额实时转换,产品价格清晰可控。 Shopee Fans:一個非常好的蝦皮助手工具,幫助賣家高效運營店鋪。 1、國際化:支持中文簡體,中文繁體,英文等多國語言; 2、數據採集:一鍵採集,快速鋪貨,支持蝦皮、阿里巴巴、Lazada、速賣通等多個平台; 3、刷粉精靈:一鍵操作快速漲粉,自動過濾殭屍粉、不活躍買家、賣家等; 4、多賬號管理:多站點店舖管理如此輕鬆; 5、聊聊先生:精準翻譯,及時提醒; 6、定時置頂:自動置頂推廣,持續增加產品曝光; 7、匯率中心:金額實時轉換,產品價格清晰可控。
瞬悉 - 跨境电商&外贸卖家必备运营工具
i-shunxi.com,跨境&外贸专业工具集,一站式外贸专业服务。接入chatGPT能力,智能分析商品数据,洞察行业商机、抢占流量入口。 瞬悉: 支持Alibaba、Aliexpress、Lazada等平台,提供商品采集、店铺分析、多国家查排名、访客分析、客源挖掘、反查流量词、主图导出等功能。实时获取海量运营数据,随时掌握最新产品动态。数据获取更便捷,洞悉竞品更高效。 1.TOP商品采集:一键导出热门商品标题、关键词、主图、询盘、交易数据等。 2.同行店铺分析:实时分析行业头部卖家经营概况、主营产品、交易数据等关键数据 3.访客详情分析:实时同步并导出本店铺访客数据,包含买家身份、浏览行为、来访时间、询盘数据等。 3.批量查排名:模拟国外用户搜索商品的排名情况,记录历史排名趋势,诊断优化流量入口。 4.智能生成分析报告:自动生成一定周期内公司经营概览、橱窗商品数据、店铺询盘分析。 5.多维找词:挖掘行业热门关键词,抢占市场流量入口,持续获取海量曝光 6. 高效获取商机: 买家访问偏好分析,导出更精准分析词、品、国家市场及访客偏好,方便优化选品和推广; 7.AI智能功能:接入AI能力,智能生成商品标题、外贸开发信、询盘回复模板、关键词裂变、品类调研、精准选品等
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